My weblog about all things that interest me (and hopefully you): viruses, programming in general, death & black metal, certain web sites... Well, it could be anything.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Pink Mika on the hunt for warez?

F-Secure has posted on its weblog an article about the disclaimer on (just google on "You must be at least 250 years old and own a pink car to enter this site.", directly cut and paste from the weblog). It leaves me with a few questions...

Who is Mika? (His face is not on the banner on top of the page)
Is he gay? (A pink car... and apparently not photoshopped)
And what is he doing on EliteHackers in the first place???

Should I get an evaluation copy of their product and search if they used some hacked version of Sound Forge for alarm sounds or some graphics processing utility?

Anyway... Mika, should you read this, the only way to be able to legally access EliteHackers is when you are an ocean worm, but then I doubt wether you can drive a pink car.


Anonymous said...

well, it states "own a pink car", not drive one. so sea-worms are still good candidates ;)

357martini said...

Woa thats real cool and black and goth like and cool and stuff. Wanna give a facial piercing and an ass tatoo now?

Rajaat said...

Hi there martini357. I'm not a goth and I am not into black metal because it is supposed to be cool and stuff. I just happen to like black metal because of the music. But sure I can give you a facial piercing and ass tatoo, but I'm not sure wether I will be succesful, as I have none of them :-)

Anonymous said...

Woulda kinda be funny watching you try though rajaat ;)